I'm glad I'm getting the hang of things on Entrecard...I'm still a newbie on EC - having been registered here for a little over a month I guess....But I am happy that eversince I dropped my cards and advertise on some other's blogs, I've had a good number of droppers on my site. My credits have gone up naturally and I have been exposed to many other bloggers as well. Having said that, let me go back to the real intention why I wrote this entry - to THANK all my entrecard droppers.
Thank you to all of you who dropped on my site and for approving my adverts - I know they are still running on your sites.....some of you have left your comments, other's hopped in, still I'm sooo grateful to all of you....I've checked your blogs as well, dropped my cards and found your entries very interesting.....So again.........

Thank you to all of you who dropped on my site and for approving my adverts - I know they are still running on your sites.....some of you have left your comments, other's hopped in, still I'm sooo grateful to all of you....I've checked your blogs as well, dropped my cards and found your entries very interesting.....So again.........

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