Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What I Got for Christmas

'Tis the time of the year when everyone seems to be in a festive mood, are a bit nicer and giving. I got myself a handful of gifts way before christmas and I just wanted to share it to you.

This was the very first Christmas gift I received. Yummy puto seko from Joanna vacuum sealed and packed and wrapped in sinamay bag. She gave it first week of December and I remember how excited she was when she handed it to us. And this was her line, in a very sweet tone " i know it's kinda early, but then merry christmas!!".

The next week, it was my tutorial student C, who gave gifts. This was what she gave.

These custaroons was an instant hit to everyone and we ended up ordering ourselves too. By the second week of December, while all of us tutors were busy and harassed doing reviewers for our students trimestral exams, we received these cool bag organizers from the preschool/tutorial center directress.
We really need these organizer. Then a few days after Larry, gave me a gift check, or a complimentary christmas drink from Starbucks. This was posted on my previous entry. Siblings Teo and Nina got me pouch bag similar to this one, but theirs is embroidered silk...
Poch and Pepi gave me a set of lip balm similar to this one..
Joaquin sent me rye bread, packed in three's..

Siblings Bei and Alexi gave me a set of L'Occitane En Provence. They dropped it off to the tutorial center right before going home..

And this was T. Auds gift for me...a box of....
On that note let me say: MERRY CHRISTMAS Everybody!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

It's Almost Christmas and What Have I Been Doing

Just came from preschool & tutorial teachers and staff Christmas party. We had a lot of fun and what I liked about it was the laid back feel yet everyone seems to be enjoying and laughter was really all over the room. It's just like a Sunday lunch with your family. The days prior to the party however was quite hectic for us tutors. It was the students trimestral exams and I have spent sleepless nights making reviewers and trying to sneak in some Christmas shopping and bazaar hopping..lolz! My tutorial sessions was made more fun and enjoying by my cutie little preschoolers who stays at the center and do stuff while waiting for their parents to pick them up...
[Teo drawing transformer]
[Zo playing with the clay]
Aren't they cute?

Now, since it's the time time of year where gifts are always abundant, my students have been so sweet to send me some presents. There was one gift I really appreciated, though because it was coming from Larry, a 14-yr old boy with special needs. He looks and speaks like normal kid but he feels like he is always in a war..This is what he gave me..
[a complimentary drink from Starbucks]

[and this is what he wrote on the card]
It's almost Christmas.....