Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tonight, I'm packing my, I have already packed them but had to re-packed so I could sneak in the stuff that my sis asked me to bring about "pahabol" Anyhow, tomorrow, I'm going home to my hometown, which is where the majestic, perfect cone Mayon Volcano is located and will spend my New Year there...It's nice to be going home again, as the holiday festivities is much more fun, extravagant and loud. And there's also my cousin's wedding which I will be attending, so it means reunion for us..Yahoo!!!

Will be away for six days and won't be able to update this site as often as I'd want to so as early as now I'd like to greet everyone...

Have a Blessed New Year!!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


"Four be the things I am wiser to know:
Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe.
Four be the things I'd been better without:
Love, curiousity, freckles, and doubt.
Three be the things I shall never attain:
Envy, content, and sufficient champagne.
Three be the things I shall have till I die:
Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye....!"
- Dorothy Parker

Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday's at Rustan's

The past days, I've been out to the malls again to do some last minute christmas shopping....Thank heaven's I'm done with it...It was a tiring one, what with the long queue at the cashiers and at the gift wrapping after going around and looking for gift items and paying, and while waiting for them to be wrapped, I found some time to take pictures....Sofa's just like the one in front of the christmas tree (partly captured here), are specifically placed in strategic areas around the store for tired shoppers to lounge and relax a bit....... One reason why, I like Rustan's..But on this photo, guess, I'm not that tired yet as I still manage to pose for!

Finally able to take a picture on the beautiful crystal trimmings and decorations....

Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting Paid Through Writing

I just signed up for Paying Post, yesterday and got approved within 24 hours. This is a new opportunity for me to be able to earn through writing and the quickest approval I ever got....I read about Paying Post through my former colleague and blog buddy Jhari, and somehow got me to registering here as well. Registration was a breeze, you visit the website - which by the way has a very beautiful lay out, click on the register link, then you register your blog by filling up some forms, click submit and you wait for an email confirmation. Voila! You're done and all ready for some opportunities that you can reserve and write about. It got me excited at the fact that they are very fair in approving your blogs regardless of how long you've hosted it or what entries you write about. Now isn't that cool!

I am relatively new to blog advertising although I have already earned a few on my other blog which I have been managing for a couple of years now. I would not claim I know a lot about it, but based on what I gather so far, blog advertising allows you to write about certain topics or opportunities that is suitable for the kind of blog that you keep. You just have to take note of the task descriptions or instructions, and you're set. The topics that may be assigned to you are based on the preferences that you specified upon registration as well as the payment rate. I'm also looking at the possibility of earning through their affiliates but that would have to be after I see some positive results on this first task...So what are you waiting for, click on the links I've set above, register and get paid through writing....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Going Vente!

I just love going back to this stall called "Vente"...They practically sell a lot of stuff from picture frames, address books to kids toys and accessories, all of these at 20 pesos each item. The past week, I kept coming back to this store to buy some things for my nephews and nieces...I just love the fact that I am able to buy things with a little money to shell's a good treat having to get some reasonable prices in today's crisis, when almost all prices are going up.....and still up.....Call that kuripot but I have a better term for it-!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Today was a busy one for me....Had to finish a lot of household stuff because tomorrow I may not be able to do it again as I'm planning to go out with my sis -to shop for gifts, eat out probably and buy myself a new phone....Not those fancy phones nowadays, as I don't feel it would be practical purchasing those, in times like these when economy is down..(gosh, is this really me!) Ok, so today, I'm glad that I already finished doing my laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and defrosting the fridge....and had a really sumptuous lunch after that..
I'm browsing through the net and was quite disappointed with one baker who had a really cool site on multiply, but apparently does not reply to your queries even if she's always online...I was soo looking forward to receiving a response from her because she just happens to have the baking supply I needed, which I would be sending to my Mom. Oh well, I sent her an email again, and I'm hoping she'd reply tomorrow.
Checked out Chico Garcia's blog and had a good laugh on his the best and the rest posts...
Was surprised to learn that Edwin, my former colleague in GT uploaded a new photo...Nice to see he is looking good...Sent him a message asking how he is on his "side of the planet"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Special Performance

This is a video of my super long time crush--were talking about 1994 to present here and still I'm hooked on, he has migrated in California since 1996, but since I have the biggest crush on him, I'm glad that I'm still updated about what has happened to him through the years. Now, he is part of a band, the name I wanna keep private, they are based in Glendale, CA. and have some gigs already. "My Man" is the one playing the white guitar and it's such a treat to see him enjoying himself....and who would have thought that they would do a cover of one of my favorite Neyo songs - Go On Girl....

Can't "Shoot on the Spot"

Was tagged by Jhari on this meme called Shot on the Spot. The instructions were quite simple and tempting too- you just have to take a picture of yourself, the moment you read your tag, no fixing of hair or changing your clothes and no editing... In short just take a picture of the plain, right off your bed! I regret however, I can't do the meme for this reason - my camera is nowhere in sight...which I remembered, was brought by my sis at some shower party she was going to attend....So there, I guess I can't "shot on the spot"...Next time jhari....hehehehe....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Some Mall Experience

Two days ago, I have been to one of the relatively new malls in the north of manila and boy! I could not believe the volume of people that came in as the evening drew near. It's seeing people from all walks of life, come in full force! Escalators were packed just like the elevators, the restaurants and food court were full and it seems like people just kept coming from I don't know where. Shops were on sale and almost everyone's out looking out for some gift items and new stuff. What I particularly find amazing are at how the kid's face lights up the minute they step inside the toy stores. Looking at their beaming faces makes me go back to my childhood days and reminds me that Christmas is here and pretty soon, everybody is going to be busy with parties everywhere, merry making and a lot of fun things to do. Indeed, it's the happiest time of the year!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eyes and Boss..Two Birthdays

This week, two very special friends celebrated their birthdays. While I wanted to post their pictures here, I realized it's best to keep their privacy, just as I value mine. These friends were from my past employments and believe me the other one was even my boss.

Let me first talk about EYES. I call him eyes, because of his big eyes. It has been a standing joke for us...I've known him for about 8 years now, and he was the first person I became friends with from one of my earliest jobs, and we were working hand in hand towards making sure that our client's cars were well taken cared of. Our friendship has evolved from lunch companions to confidante..I even know his latest flings, yet I never fail to remind him not to forget that he has a wife..Thank heaven's he listens.....once in a while! He has migrated to the U.S. for two years now, I never got the chance to see him when he went home for a short visit, but I'm glad that we still manage to remain very good friends despite the distance and the number of years we have not seen each other. These two cakes, I'm posting, reminded me of where we met and how work has got us closer together...
Happy Birthday, R.Eyes!

I always say, I am glad to have found very cool supervisors in my employments. And Ms. BOSS is one of them. Funny, the first time I met her was at the company where both Eyes and I were working. I remembered her too well, because she was about 6 ft. tall, short hair, and was every inch a lady. She was soft spoken and while she was waiting for her car check up to finish, she asked me if I can give her a warranty card. I was able to find some spare, and she was very thankful. Little did I know that a year after that, I would be hired by the company, where she was working but we never got the chance to get close until after two years, when she transferred to our department and became our head. Our bonding moments were always going on food trips and driving around looking for some cool spots to chillax. I also like the way she treats all of and how she remains to be a friend after all these years. Today, we both work for different companies and we check on each other through multiply and friendster. Her birthday is two days after Eyes, birthday and this cake below, reminds me of her feminine side, as she loves doing arts and crafts.

Happy Birthday, Ms. Boss. I miss the food trip!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Be Aware

Got this from an email and definitely a must read. This just tells us to be vigilant about the things around us. This is my way of getting the message across...Here goes...

A woman at a bar on a Saturday night was taken by 5 men, who, according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping her. Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed the repeat rapes, along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood and Progesterex, essentially a small sterilization pill.

The drug is now being used by rapists at parties to rape AND sterilize their victims. Progesterex is available to vets to sterilize large animals. Progesterex is being used together with Rohypnol, the date rape

As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is drop it into the girl's drink. The girl can't remember a thing the next morning, of all that had taken place the night before. Progesterex, which dissolves in drinks just as easily, is such that the victim doesn't get pregnant; she won't conceive from the rape and the rapist needn't worry about having a paternity test identifying him months later.

The drug's effects ARE NOT TEMPORARY - They are PERMANENT!!! Progesterex was designed to sterilize horses.. Any female who takes it will
NEVER BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE... The weasels can get this drug from anyone who is in the vet school or any university.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wolverine is Sexiest Man Alive

People magazine said he is "a triple threat: a star who can sing, dance, and wield a weapon." The actor best known as Wolverine, is also admired for his performances on Broadway, his versatility, has captured the hearts of audiences from all over the world.

No one could argue with him being voted the Sexiest Man Alive. He is such a perfect package to behold!

There, I've said my piece and I'm gonna get myself some sleep. It's already 30 minutes past one o'clock in the morning, here in the!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This is one of my favorite songs lifted from Richard Poon's "I'll Take Care of You" album. Can't seem to get enough of the song and of him as well...hahaha. Get yourselves a copy of his album, you'll definitely love it just as I did.


More than the greatest love the world has known
This is the love I'll give to you alone
More than the simplest words I try to say
I only live to love you more each day

More than you'll never know my arms long to hold you so
My life will be in your keeping, waking,
sleeping, laughing, weeping
Longer than always is long long time,
But far beyond forever you'll be mine

I know I never lived before and my heart is very sure
No one else could love you more

I know I never lived before and my heart is very sure
No one else could love you more

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Something to Ponder On...

Just like my previous post, this has been forwarded to me as well by another friend...Some inspirational stuff and reading it, it gave me time to ponder on some issues I currently have in my personal life....I am including my reflection/reactions on each point being itemized here....

Here goes a story and my reaction.....
When Eric Dumas was getting ready to return to college after a semester break, his dad gave him some sheets of paper containing hand-written words of advice for further reflection. A number of Eric's friends asked if they, too, could read these words of wisdom from a father to his son.

1. Dwell on the future, not the past.. What's done is done, the future is the only thing you can have an impact on.
**I'm having a hard time dealing with this one. Can't seem to not dwell in the past, but I'm slowly learning to dwell more in the future...

2. Ask God for forgiveness and move on. God always forgives the faithful.
**This one is soo true...No need to explain more...

3. Don't feel as though you must bare your soul to theirs. This puts a burden on them. Go on a "need to know" basis.
**I'll try to do this more often.....hehehehe....

4. This too will pass, if you want it to. Mature, healthy relationships combat the desire to falter.
**This is my motto now :: This too will pass....

5. Take solace [comfort] from your relationship with God and those you love.
**Amen to this..

6. Focus on the positive and use it. Reflect on your gains and build on your strengths. Let go of your failures.
**Very well said....will take this advice as well....

7. Nobody is perfect, not even you (or me). There will always be failings and temptations. That is what the Devil does for a living!
**Good point....It sort of balances out things..But it would be nice to be able to find perfection in imperfect situations or ways. (tough though!...)

8. Count your blessings, nurture your faith. Thank God everyday for who you are. Move on through this earthly existence as best you can.

**Agree. Amidst all the hard times, I realized I still am blessed..And I'm thankful.

9. Enjoy life! Leave a legacy for your children to follow. That's all we really can do.
**Very good point again....

10. I love you.
**This says it all...The love of a father to a son....

(P.S.) Call your mother.
**This really got me....I miss my Mom, even want her here beside me...Miss our bonding moments....Will send her an sms..... 'Nuf said...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lessons from Jigsaw Puzzles

Would have wanted to write something personal, but this email forwarded by my very good friend prove to be more interesting than what I could have written...Hahahaha...May we be inspired by this one....
A jigsaw puzzle, as you all know, is a tiling puzzle that requires the assembly of numerous small, often oddly shaped, interlocking and tessellating pieces. Each piece has a small part of a picture on it; when complete, a jigsaw puzzle produces a complete picture.

The initial jigsaw puzzles were made of cardboard intended for developing a child's focus.

They outlined great pictures of flowers, cartoons, animals and even people when correctly
put together. These brainteasers help in developing focus and critical thinking of the children at an early age.

Jigsaw puzzles are often cut on larger pieces of cardboard and plastics to help kids learn the habit of analyzing possibilities. With these, wonderful shapes are to be linked together to discover the beauty they will reveal and learning becomes pleasurable and more enjoyable for them.

From children to seniors, making jigsaw puzzles is truly a wonderful hobby and relaxing pastime that helps develop problem-solving skills and keeps your mind sharp.

Aside from keeping our minds sharp, we, adults, can learn some valuable life lessons from a jigsaw puzzle. Here they are:

* Don't force a fit. If something is meant to be, it will come together naturally.
* When things aren't going so well, take a break. Everything will look different when you return.
* Be sure to look at the big picture. Getting hung up on the little pieces only leads to frustration.
* Perseverance pays off. Every important puzzle went together bit by bit, piece by piece.
* When one spot stops working, move to another. But be sure to come back later.
* The creator of the puzzle gave you the picture as a guidebook.
* Variety is the spice of life. It's the different colors and patterns that make the puzzle interesting.
* Establish the boarder first. Boundaries give a sense of security and order.
* Don't be afraid to try different combinations. Some matches are surprising.
* Take time to celebrate your successes (even little ones).
* Anything worth doing takes time and effort. A great puzzle can't be rushed.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's Been A While..

Haven't updated this one for a while. Been in my hometown for a while. Internet is not that much accessible and a lot of things happened....This recent trip back home, has been a time for me to be with uncles,aunts and cousins whom I've lost touched for the longest time....And while, this has been a more laid back life, I am grateful that I get to see all the rest of my family members even for just a short time...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On Old Friends......

“One of the greatest titles we can have is "old friend". We never appreciate how important old friends are until we are older. The problem is we need to start our old friendships when we are young. We then have to nurture and grow those friendships over our middle age when a busy life and changing geographies can cause us to neglect those friends. Today is the day to invest in those people we hope will call us 'old friend" in the years to come."

This was a comment posted by an old friend on my friendster account. I totally agree with it. Now that I'm older, I learn to appreciate the friends who stuck it out with me through all these years, even when I do get difficult to handle. They are those who remained the same no matter how long ago we last saw each other or how far apart we are. They are those who would not hesitate to stand by my side, when I need them, amidst their busy schedules. Guess, it's the not so daily emails, and conversations that makes us more closer together...So much like - distance and silence somehow makes our "hearts" grow fonder. I'm glad I've met these wonderful friends, back when I was younger, and indeed they are the ones who remain true.


Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...

NBPC - The Daydreamer

You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the colors around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You are a down-to-earth person who enjoys going with the flow.

The Perception Personality Types:


Take The Perception Personality Image Test at HelloQuizzy

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What Do I Write?

This scenario happens every once in a while, but I'm glad I'm able to get off it,!

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Batch Blog

The other day, I got an email from a high school classmate, about some batch mates not posting their comments on the batch site that he created. I remembered checking the site out the minute he told us that he already started doing the site, and would like to see some comments, even if the whole site is still under construction. Seeing that, he linked it to blogger, I was glad that I am gonna be able to comment on the site, where he already started posting some high school stuff. :) I was surprised to know that most of the batch mates were not posting comments and one classmate said, maybe because they were having a hard time posting them. I helped out in letting them know how to post comments on blogger even if you are not signed in to blogger, and somehow things are turning out well. I am now part of the contributors for the site and I am excited to start out my first entry that would relive those fun high school memories :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Talk About Fashion..

I have always believe that fashion is everything that makes me look and feel good. It's not always about designer stuff, it's in fact how well I can carry myself even if I'm wearing bargain finds. I'm not saying I don't like branded things, in fact I do, but I definitely aint going to die if I don't always wear these branded items.

I took up a test and the result did not surprise me....

Your Fashion Style is Classic

You like what's stood the test of time...

Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendy

You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while

You wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins#86

1. Dancing to the music while singing along makes me energized.

2. The last time I hailed a taxi I nearly broke his windshield, when he refused to let me ride because he says my destination was very far....

3. When I drive I am very cautious.

4. I saw the guard standing outside our home. He was delivering a letter.

5. Give me a satisfying job, give me peace and quiet, give me a break.

6. Next week I am looking forward to a job interview.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to mall hopping with my sis, tomorrow my plans include going to the grocery and Sunday, I want to chillax!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Felt guilty I was not able to offer the guy my cousin tagged along with him, to stay for the night since my cousin already left for the province. But he seemed so decided on what he was gonna do, the moment he learned that my cousin's gone home already, and I was torn between "what am I gonna do and I don't know him too well" to offer him to sleep at our place....Sigh....
A little guilty that I bought a pair of flip flops on impulse and realized that I don't have a need for it, when I reached home...
Until now, I have not given my Christmas gifts to my best friend's kids...Eeeew..
Spent an ample amount of cash on a salon to have my hair blow dried..But I was happy with the result though, so not so guilty!
And guilty, that this post has been on my drafts for 24hrs., because I had a hard time finishing!

Thank heaven's I'm ready to post this!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Letters to God

Kids can definitely write the cutest letters to God =D

Monday, August 18, 2008

For the Newly Weds

This is for my very god friend R and her husband J, who were married today and while everything went well and we had so much fun, I still feel I need to send out some Irish blessings for them....

So R and J,

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.

My best wishes and congratulations!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Hate These Taxis"..only in the Philippines

What's with these Manila taxi's?? The moment the rain starts pouring heavily, and you're trapped in a mall or somewhere, these taxi's that has been going around everywhere, suddenly disappears or worst, tends to get choosy on the route they want to take. ...I swear, the moment it starts raining and you try hailing a taxi, all the empty taxi's that passes you would already have a hand signal, as to which direction they want..If you're not going that way, they won't let you ride. And if you're lucky enough and some taxi would stop in front of you, if you see that their windows are down, be ready for a lot of negotiation and this conversation...
Taxi Driver: San kayo? [Where are you headed?]
Passenger: San Juan
Taxi Driver: Magkano binabayad nyo haggang doon? [How much do you pay for a trip going there] or Ay, baha ho kasi doon [The area is flooded], or worst you get to see the driver shaking his head.
Now, under the norms, this should not be the scenario because taxi's are supposed to accept passengers and bring them to their destination, safe...And aren't these the same drivers who keep complaining that they are no longer earning enough for their families? The same driver's who when the sun is up and nobody cares to take a taxi, would stop right in front of you even if you never called for them. Now I am confused and more furious....because with this kind of attitude, I do not see why these drivers and their operators still ask for increase on their flag down rates, when the reason why they consume a lot of gasoline, is due to the never ending rounds they do choosing for the passenger who just want to be brought to an area that is close enough that you can even walk going there....I'm thinking, if it's through their passengers where they get their income, and they have the nerve to shoo away passengers, then maybe these drivers do not need money anymore....So, what's the point in requesting for flag down rate increase? And still they ask their passengers for additional money other than what has been reflected on their taxi meters......that's CORRUPTION....only in the philippines...haaay!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


These days, my inbox has never been so full..Whether they'd be text messages or emails, somehow everyday I receive some form well meaning friends and a few job interviews.....My Yahoo, is filled with exchange of email messages from my high school batch. Everyone just seems to get excited over our 15 years, which is set next year, and the new site that another batch mate has made, although some of the buttons aren't working yet..After all, it's still under construction...On my hotmail, aside from the usual updates from my contacts on all the social networking sites that I joined, I also get to receive my daily dose of job alerts...The job hopper that I am, guess it's important I get those job!

But, my cellphone's inbox is a different story. There I have been receiving some words of encouragement, which I still find helpful even if I know they were just forwarded messages by people including my friends, whose numbers are loaded with the "Alltxt", promo....Anyhow, I still find it nice to receive them because that sort of reminds me that, they remember me or more like, that I am still in their contacts!

Fave Wedding Teaser

Found this video, while I was helping out a friend source out a wedding videographer, through some wedding videos on the net. The minute I saw it, I instantly like it. This showcases the genious, Jason Magbanua is at capturing all the details of a couple's most memorable day. This is a teaser trailer done by him...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

7 Years after.....

Yesterday, I finally was able to meet up with my long time or should I say long lost, hehehe, friend, J. Can't believe it has been seven years, since the last time we saw each other, back when we were still working for the same company, it was both our first job and both of us resigned after a couple of! Found myself a different work and somehow we lost track of each other, until last year, when we saw each other again, this time not personally, but online through one of those social networking sites. We were able to update each other about how our lives have been, but we never got the chance to see each other because of differences in schedule. Last February, I got news that our other friend R, is getting married this August and this paved the way for me and J's meet up. We were both invited for R's wedding, so we should be together attending it. We were constant textmates and would have wanted to have a night out with R, but since the bride is very busy, we were not able to have one. Now that the wedding is only a few days away, both J and I felt, we needed to see each other so we can talk about how we were gonna go to the wedding. As expected, our first meeting after seven years turned out fun. No hang ups, still and we were very much like before. J had lots of memories of that first job, lots of juicy stories and lots of laughter....I realized, maybe we should have pushed through with the night out, the talks would have been longer, but for now, I'm just glad that we found ourselves, back in the friendship circle again and we are looking forward to R's wedding, which J promised to take lots of pictures.....

Monday, August 11, 2008

Weblog Premio - My First!

This morning, I received a really nice surprise from my friend, Jen. She gave me my first blog award. Thank you so much, for this and for always taking the time to read my entries. She was one of the first blog buddies I have and her blog is one of those that I keep coming back to every so often and I do enjoy reading her entries. It's friends like her, that makes me keep updating my blog...Gracias, Jen!

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link to the person you received the award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.

I have only been in blogger for roughly three months, but I can honestly say I was able to meet a lot of people and gained friends in that span of time. Friends who, even if I don't get to see personally are quite easy to reach out. Some are even my constant EC droppers! This award is also for you and hope you enjoy it much as I do.

I nominate....








What My Name Means

Naturally, for this meme, I had to write my full name, not some nickname I just drafted out from my birth name... hahaha. And I found myself agreeing to most of what the result said, that I even highlighted those that really hit me and found myself saying "this is sooo Me"...Here goes....

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

Wanna play this game? Click here.

Bernie Mac's Passing

While I was browsing the net, my attention was grabbed by the news on Yahoo, about Bernie Mac's passing. Was too busy over the weekend, so the news came as a surprise to me, probably because I didn't see him dying at the age of 50. Hollywood indeed, has lost one of the most talented, funny man and his brand of comedy is something nobody can top. Sure I enjoyed seeing him in Oceans 11, also in Charlies Angels and other movies but I particularly loved him in Guess Who...Love his Daddy character there! To quote George Clooney "The world just got a little less funny. He will be dearly missed." Indeed, he will be missed.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I had a very busy weekend.. But, I had so much fun...My day started quite early yesterday, as I had to prepare my sis' packed meal for the day, and then I was off preparing the things I need to bring at my nephew's first birthday..Talk about party give aways and my cousin's camera all to be hand carried to where the party is to be held - at my cousin's house, which was about an hour away from my place...It was not traffic so I had fun travelling, and it was like a reunion for me and my cousins as well. We had so much fun and the party turned out a blast! And my favorite part was when, it's time to go home, my cousin sent me some take home foodies...yay! typical!

On a different note, I was supposed to meet up with my soon to be married friend, R yesterday, since she leaves quite near my cousin's. But apparently she couldn't make it, because she told me she was not feeling well. And the reason was, because she and her only sister had a fight and was just trying to let their emotional rift taper off..I was thinking, this could be pre-wedding jitters..but I know everything would be settled before the wedding....Guess, tomorrow, she's going to have her pre-nuptial pictures taken.....and a week after, is lifetime commitment day for her...=D

Friday, August 8, 2008

1. My favorite bedtime attire is shorts and a very big shirt...

2. The perfect meal would include grilled pork with a hearty side of potato salad and a big glass of Coca Cola.

3. The most memorable girl's night out I've ever had was when one of my bestfriends got married. We were just laughing and telling stories the whole time and we were even there on the newly weds honeymoon! [But we left before the honeymoon began]...*wink..wink* That was in 19__/2007. I was 29-years-old.

4. My earliest memory is when I was about 5 and I accidentally swallowed a coin,and it stucked on my throat.

5. The family is gone for the evening and I will spend my time surfing, blogging and relaxing.

6. Right now I am posting some blog entries...

7. When I am done blogging, I am going to head off to my cousin's place, and attend my nephew's birthday.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The 08.08.08. Thing

What's with this series of numbers - 08.08.08? While my blog posts for today says it's a Thursday, in reality, from where I am pounding my mini keyboard, it's already a Friday, 08.08.08. There seems to be a never ending love for this series of 8's, and I've heard of how much "noise" it was making, the moment we welcome the year 2008. And the biggest and most anticipated event of all, in 080808, is the Beijing Olympics. Ok, the connection between the date and the event, I understand - after all the Olympics is gonna be held in China, and Chinese are known to be great believers of the number 8 so it's but fitting to start the most lucky date with a highly anticipated event. Everyone considers the number 8 to be lucky, the symbol of infinity, they say...Lucky enough perhaps, making many engaged couples to book the date- 08.08.08 to be their wedding dates, one year in advance...Wow, what a preparation! I know a former office mate, also joined the 080808 bandwagon, and is getting married this day. Another good friend of mine, is not so much a believer on the dates, but her fiance is, was not lucky enough to book for Aug. 8, so they chose the closest 08 date instead - Aug.! Oh, well, there's no harm in believing, they say, and I really do hope that the date would bring luck to all the Filipino athletes competing in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.... and to the couples getting married today, including my former office mate and the one who is getting hitched on the 18th, may they be filled with luck and a lifetime of commitment and wedded bliss.... =D

Laugh Trip #2

This is from an email forwarded by my friend, A. It was entitled "If Women Were to Control the World"...I had a good laugh looking at these pictures, maybe you will too...So, I'm sharing it...

1. You know you're old when you start forgetting what you just said a few seconds ago. lol!
2. My heart is divided between going back to my hometown and staying in the city.

3. A nap is what I need RIGHT NOW! [woke up really early today].... =(

4. I have felt the pain, I have known the depths of loving someone at a distance. *wink,wink*

5. Gah, won't these people stop being judgemental.

6. Grab that opportunity as soon as you can!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching t.v. and the Olympics opening, tomorrow my plans include attending my nephew's first birthday and meeting up with my friend and Sunday, I want to sleep all day!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mamma i go again ^-^

Last night, I finally was able to watch "Mamma Mia"..It was not something we planned, but my sis just blurted out "let's go watch Mamma Mia" and we were off to checking what time was the last screening, worried that it may not be showing anymore, because it has been more than a week since it's first shown in theaters. I was just glad that it was still showing in one of the theaters, in a mall 30-minutes away from my place. While I've heard a lot of good reviews and feedback about the movie, I have to say, it exceeded my expectation. It was hilarious and heartwarming, and I was so diggin' Pierce Brosnan, who is still drop dead gorgeous and sings really well, and so does Collin Firth - I never knew he could sing. That was a surprise. It was such a fun movie and it's one of those that I would not get tired watching over adn over again. And the songs of Abba - it's always nice to hear them again, after a while - "Mamma Mia, here I go again, my, my, how can I resist you?"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Amidst the Rain

For three straight days, the rain has never stopped pouring. Yet, I'm glad I was able to buy a nice wedding gift for my soon-to-be married friend, R, and today, I just arrived from the city's biggest bargain district, to hunt for some nice giveaways for my nephew's first birthday on Saturday. It's funny how me and my cousin were able to find and tried to haggle with the give away prices amidst the heavy downpour, but I guess that's were the thrill is. And what a discount we got! lol! Then we head off to my favorite snack stall and grabbed a bite of my long time favorite Jamaican Pattie - Beef Pinatubo. A trip to the city's bargain district is truly not complete without me having a taste of this ohh..sooo..yummy and mouth watering pattie.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My EC Droppers [July]

This is a thank you note to all my EC droppers for July, who consistently dropped their cards on my site. Pay a visit on their sites as well, they are all very engaging. Again, gracias, for dropping your cards :)

Simple Yet Complicated
My so-called Life
Say Kimchi!
God's Best Gift
Willow's World
The Fountain Of Happiness
How to leave your job...

For the Married and Wanting to Be Married :)

This was an email forwarded by a friend and it's Wilfred Arlan Peterson's take on marriage. I feel it's a must read, so I am sharing this to everyone.

Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens.
A good marriage must be created.
In the Art of Marriage, the little things are the big things:
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say "I Love You" at least once every day.
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is at no time taking the other for granted; the courtship should not end with this day, it should continue through all the years.
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.
It is standing together facing the world.
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.
It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy.
It is speaking words of appreciation, and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is not looking for perfection in each other.
It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding, and sense of humor.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal, dependence is mutual, and the obligation is reciprocal.
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.

This beautiful piece is called "The Art of Marriage"....

Know and Tell

I came across these random questions from Jenn's site. These are from Kicking it in Crazyville site and it's called Know and Tell Friday. It's fun and I feel I'm gonna be answering this every week. Read on and get to know a little something about me....

1. Which is worse: speaking to a large crowd or working under an impossible deadline?
Speaking to a large crowd, somehow all my public speaking classes were not able to help me ease out my stage fright, lol.
2. Could you work with your best friend?
Yes. It’s easier to work with someone you know too well, so you have no worries of
telling him straight if he does everything!
3. Do you eat seafood?
Yes. Fish, prawns and crabs. I am from a place where there’s an abundance of seafood and we sort of grew eating them, so we’re used to it.
4. What is the worst thing you have ever eaten? None that I could remember. If I feel it’s gross or worse I wouldn’t even bother tasting it. lol!
5. Which would make you feel more appreciated by your DH / SO: bringing home flowers, doing a chore without being asked, or asking you on a “date”? Doing a chore without being asked. It’s nice to get a little help around the house :)
6. What is something fun you are going to do today? Shopping…
7. What qualities you look for in a friend … in other words, what causes you to really “click” with someone?
Someone who’s got no frills, the “what you see is what you get” type, honest, funny, someone who would side with me when nobody else does but is not afraid to tell me to slow it down when I’m getting a little over board, and someone who is able to accept my flaws more than my good side.

Wanna join the fun. Click here.

Friday Fill-Ins

1. If I could travel back in time, I'd go to the 80's so I can experience how colorful that year was - new wave, leg warmers, Madonna, etc..lolz!

2. Give me a raise or give me a break :)

3. I am listening to the sound of my keyboard and to Enya's "Love Song".

4. Somewhere, someone is thinking of you who seemed so near yet so far - line from "You are My Song".

5. I'll always be the person you can count on, when everyone else turn their backs on you.

6. My idea of a good time includes meeting up with friends and family, go videoke, and have a nice cup of coffee.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to dinner with family, tomorrow my plans include checking out a wedding and birthday gift for my friend and nephew and Sunday, I want to go to church!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Last night I got a phone call from a good friend of mine, and she was telling me about her job hunting experience. She is about my age, so that makes her!, and she was trying to apply for a job that has a more fixed schedule. For quite some time she has been working on shifting schedule and she got tired of it. Like she would tell me - "it's hard working on night shifts". I felt for her, when she told me that she was having a hard time looking for a regular office job, because apparently most of the companies prefer younger people, or fresh graduates. It's either she goes beyond the age limit or she's over qualified. Now, the age limitation got me bothered. Seeing a friend not given a fair chance on a particular work because of the age made me feel bad. I feel that one's capacity to handle a particular job shouldn't be judged because of her age, and the only chance these companies give you to prove your worth is a very short initial interview and that's it. I wish this kind of practice should be stopped, because there's still a lot to learn in the more mature people.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We Might?

It's mid-week and I still don't know if plans for this Saturday would push through. I was supposed to meet up with two long time friends but apparently one of them has yet to check her schedule. Would want to move it to next week but I won't be available...Got to attend my nephews first birthday.....Now, I'm not sure when we can all meet up but I'm still hoping my other friend can make it this weekend...Oh well, there's about two more days to decide. :D


Lately, my music player has been playing Jason Mraz's song "I'm Yours"...such a cool and sweet song..It relaxes me everytime I listen to it. It's stucked in my head actually and it has become my de-stresser..lolz!

Song lyrics | I'm Yours lyrics

You're Beautiful

The first time I heard this James Blunt song, I cried....and I have no idea why.... Probably the melody or his voice maybe and that mushy lyrics..Love it! Can't help but share it...

My life is brilliant.

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful, You're beautiful,
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yes, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful, You're beautiful,
You're beautiful, it's true,
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Reunion Preps

My high school class is celebrating it's 15th year reunion next year! and as early as now almost everyone's getting excited about the preparations. Our e-group has been burning with emails eversince talks on the forthcoming reunion started and it's nice that somehow through this we get to communicate with each other even if were "worlds" apart. Another site that's constantly being used is friendster - apparently the closest we can get to knowing what each one of us look like now....And mind you, not many of us have changed a's still so much like high school, only more mature.....and others were married....I just got off the phone with one of my former classmate and I'm looking forward for a batch night out, sometime in August. Now the point of discussion for the batch is what we want to do during the reunion..I'm suggesting an "80's Party"...If everyone agrees, I feel that would be a hit.After all, we all love the new wave era - 1 batchmate has a band who does new wave songs, and what a colorful night that would be - what with the wigs, sunglasses, and leg warmers.....lolz!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


My inbox was filled with email updates on what my contact on multiply has been uploading on her site. They were pictures of her recent vacation in Manila and the places they have been to. One of those posted was her picture with the country's comedy king. Now, that got me surprised or more so amused. Really, I find it amusing how some people are able to approach a celebrity and have a photo op. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it, it's just that I envy those people who have enough courage to do so. Just like my friend. Because me - oh boy, I just don't have the guts! I've had many encounters with local celebrities, but even if I so wanted to have a photo taken with them, somehow I chicken out. I remembered I was watching a show of one of my favorite acoustic performer and I was hoping I could have a picture with him, but it was only after a lot of convincing from another friend and after seeing other fans having their pictures taken, that I was able to have a picture with him....and all because of my friend who literally drag me towards the singer....Now, when I look at that picture, I'm just glad I was dragged into it, otherwise I would have never stopped asking myself "what if".........lolz!


A friend sent me this meme and asked me to play it as well..I say, "why not?" ...hahahaha....

Do you enjoy drama?
* Yeah hahahaha
Are you a girly girl?
* Not really..I can be at times.
Last person you hugged?
* My friend
Small or big purses?
* Big
Do you think you’re conceited?
* Nope
Do you dress up on Halloween?
* Nope
Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
* Haven't done it yet
Has anyone touched/smacked your butt?
You miss someone?
* My Ma
Do you call anybody by their last name?
* No....
Do you wear makeup?
* Yup powder and blush
Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
* Yup
Have you ever been called a bad influence?
* no
Eyeliner or Mascara?
Heels or flats?
Skirts or jeans?
Heels or sneakers?
Straight or curly hair?
Hoops or dangling earrings?
Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Are you currently frustrated with a guy?
Do you have a best friend?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
*I think so...
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
*haven't crossed my mind....
Do you like your life?
* Hmm yeah
Has your ex boyfriend ever gone out with one of your friends?
* Nope
Ever walked into the guy's bathroom?
* Was about to enter until I saw the sign, it was for Male - hehehe
Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
Would you ever tell someone you loved them even though you didn't?
* don't say it, unless you mean it
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
* No
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
* Yes
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
*Yes...R--_ is still on my mind
Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater”?
* Kinda...
Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
* Of course
Do you ever wish you were famous?
* Sometimes..hahahaha
Cowboy or Gangster?
Preppy or Punk/Goth?
* preppy
Well-educated or Dropout?
* Well educated
Contacts or Glasses?
Funny or Serious?
* Both
Romantic or Daredevil?
* Both
Cute or Hot?
* Cute
Long Hair or Short Hair?
* Long Hair for girls, short hair for guys, lol!
Good Dancer or Good Singer?
* Good Singer
Basketball Player or Football Player?
* Football player [i mean if I have to choose one..hehehhehe]
Smoker or Non-smoker?
*Doesn't matter
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports Car?
*AUV and Sports car, how's that? lol!