Sunday, August 24, 2008

Batch Blog

The other day, I got an email from a high school classmate, about some batch mates not posting their comments on the batch site that he created. I remembered checking the site out the minute he told us that he already started doing the site, and would like to see some comments, even if the whole site is still under construction. Seeing that, he linked it to blogger, I was glad that I am gonna be able to comment on the site, where he already started posting some high school stuff. :) I was surprised to know that most of the batch mates were not posting comments and one classmate said, maybe because they were having a hard time posting them. I helped out in letting them know how to post comments on blogger even if you are not signed in to blogger, and somehow things are turning out well. I am now part of the contributors for the site and I am excited to start out my first entry that would relive those fun high school memories :)

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