Saturday, July 12, 2008


This was my friend's shout out and I can't seem to get it out of my head.....It said:

"There are two types of people: Those who come into your life & say, "Well, here I am" and those who come & say, "Ah, there you are.." Make sense?"

1 comment:

Eliot said...

You could be both, actually. Do you get what I mean? ^^;

I hope we could be ECbuddies. ^^;

You also might be interested in joining my contests. You'll receive a photo taken from the Diamond Mountain in N.Korea. It was taken by me in Summer of 2007. ^^;

1) Are We Beyond Redemption? - Whoever adopts this tag will receive a special wallpaper quality photo of Geumgang Mountain in North Korea, photo taken in Summer of 2007.
2) Weapons of Mass ECtractions - Top 3 EntreCard droppers will receive rare photos of North Korea's Mt. Geumgang.
3) The Clutter Junkster - This links to some interesting back posts. For every 7 comments, blogger will receive a special photo taken from North Korea, Summer of 2007

Have a great week ahead! Cheers!