Friday, July 18, 2008

The Blow

I haven't updated my blog for days, because I have been busy the past week. Started on a job training but unfortunately on my third day, I was told that I was not able to meet the standards of the said position. The person who told me, has been very nice in breaking the news to me but other than the terrible feeling of being booted out of training in just three days, there was one question that was going through my mind the whole time - What was their basis for booting me out?...And their answer was because my output for the written exercise that they gave us did not pass their standards. The more I became confused...In my mind I was trying to remember what we did in training the last two days, and all I could recall was on the first day, we had an orientation with the company policy, then we had some introduction with the new trainer and we were asked to write about something. Then we were sent home. The next day, we had a new trainer,introduced ourselves, a short discussion, video presentation and we were asked to write about a certain topic again. We had two writing exercises after our break and an hour before the shift ends, we were given a folder containing Korean words and it's meaning. The trainer advised us to read them and try to remember as many words as possible and left. She came back to dismiss us and that was the end of training Day 2. I knew I have written and explained the topic they assigned, the best way I can but if it did not pas s their standards then so be it. I know I was booted out not for that reason alone but I did not bother to ask anymore. It's hard trying to compose yourself while a lot of things are going through your mind. I had a feeling that I was not treated fair, however in that particular company nobody dare question the boss. I remember, when I was asked about my expectation from the company, I felt like I was grilled by the trainer when I said " I expect that the company would have an open door policy"... So, after that blow, I went home and told goes on.....

1 comment:

Rocks said...

thanks for visiting my site elai, I hope you feel better now after that incident, and yes you're right life must go on and I'm sure there's another job (which probably better) waiting for you.