Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On Old Friends......

“One of the greatest titles we can have is "old friend". We never appreciate how important old friends are until we are older. The problem is we need to start our old friendships when we are young. We then have to nurture and grow those friendships over our middle age when a busy life and changing geographies can cause us to neglect those friends. Today is the day to invest in those people we hope will call us 'old friend" in the years to come."

This was a comment posted by an old friend on my friendster account. I totally agree with it. Now that I'm older, I learn to appreciate the friends who stuck it out with me through all these years, even when I do get difficult to handle. They are those who remained the same no matter how long ago we last saw each other or how far apart we are. They are those who would not hesitate to stand by my side, when I need them, amidst their busy schedules. Guess, it's the not so daily emails, and conversations that makes us more closer together...So much like - distance and silence somehow makes our "hearts" grow fonder. I'm glad I've met these wonderful friends, back when I was younger, and indeed they are the ones who remain true.

1 comment:

Rob, Jen and three little monkeys said...

Hi, i just wanted to pop in and say hi and hope all is well!

I know that I appreciate my "old friends" the older I get! :) Have a great weekend!