I am a Tazmanian Devil
and his miniature understudy
-Dizzy Devil- FANATIC. Back in college, I remembered passing by a Character shop in a mall and a Dizzy Devil stuff toy was on display. I instantly liked it, and my first instinct was to see how much it cost. It was a bit pricey so I left the shop, only to come back after a few minutes to buy it. The money I spent was from all those lunches that I didn't take and snacks I never bothered to have. One that I find so lovable about Dizzy is his color, which apparently is my favorite. I went home very happy and Dizzy had a special spot in my room - in my bed or in my dresser. After I finished school, and moved to a different place to work, I couldn't bring dizzy with me. So I placed him on top of my closet, and every time I come home at my parents' I would get comforted just by the sight of him and the rest of my 5 other stuff toys. I don't even hug them anymore but just seeing them stuck in my shelf, always makes me feel relaxed. It may sound weird for some, how one can be so attached to inanimate stuff objects, but I have my reason for it. I grew up not having them, as i would usually get dolls and other toys as gifts.. It also reminds me of my ninong or the saved allowances which are usually what I use to purchase each one of them, that's why they are quite special to me. And it broke my heart when my Ma told me that she gave away my Dizzy to my cousins' little boy, because she couldn't stop him from crying. Whew! how do you answer such blow??? The only words I said was "i had it since i was in college"....to this she replied "pasensyahan mo na lang". Then I said " I don't have a choice anyway"...For some reason I feel like I just couldn't let it pass. I've had Dizzy for 10 years already, it was the first stuff toy I got for myself, saved up for it "my whole life", and would have wanted to pass it on to my future kids...But that won't be possible now. I'm not angry at the little boy who had it, in fact I liked him, enjoy his company. It's just that sometimes my personal stuff are soo personal to me that I couldn't afford giving them away. And I'm ssooo not over this issue yet.......Even if I'm surrounded by Taz items in my desk right now. hahahha....

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