Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wordpress Got pressed on Comments
1. last beverage:
- Coke Zero.
2. last text message:
- roberta.
3. last time you cried:
- last Wednesday..
1. gone on a date:
- yep
3. kissed someone & regretted it:
- sort of….
4. lost someone special:
- yes. :(
5. been depressed:
- yeah, but i’m over it now
6. been drunk and threw up:
- nope.! I never go beyond my two bottles of beer (whew..boring, hahahaha)
1. purple
2. light blue
3. pink
1. Made a new friend:
- yes…
2. Laughed until you cried:
- hmm. yes.
3. Met someone who changed your
- no
4. Found out who your true friend
- no.
5. Is there something you want to tell
- no.
6. How many kids do you want to
- 2.
7. Do you have any pets:
- no.
8. Do you wanna change your name :
- no. it’s the name my Pap chose for me, why change it??? I love it.
9. What did you do yesterday:
- went to the grocery, did the laundry, packed my sis things until 2 am.
10. Last time you had pizza:
- two weeks ago
11. What time did you wake up today:
- about 4 a.m. tough!
12. What were you doing at 10:30 p.m.:
- last night? Packing someone else’s luggage
13. Last time you saw your father:
- last month
14. What is one thing you wish you
could change about your life?
- some decisions I made but I don’t wanna go into details
6. What are you listening to right
- the sound of my keyboard
17. Have you ever talked to Tom:
- Tom who??? Would love to talk to Tom Hunks but I would probably get starstrucked..oh, you’re not talking about Tom from Looney Tunes right??? hahahha
19. Most visited web page:
- hotmail and yahoo
20. Coke or Pepsi:
- both
What else has happened so far????...Oh, I checked out some wedding favors for a Moroccan Theme wedding and I have chosen a few....Would probably ask around for the prices, this coming week end....Looks like it would be a busy week end again.....Just opened my YM, and saw my friend R_____ was online...The moment she realized I'm online, she sent me a message asking me if someone from a headhunter's office had called me up already...I told her none yet..Then we were talking about our rants over our bosses, jobs, etc.....I checked out my wordpress and saw I've got a pile of comments to approve..I haven't updated my blog there for almost a week now, because I'm beginning to get frustrated on not being able to put all my widgets and html codes on my wordpress sidebar, just like what i can do to blogspot....but then it was on wordpress that I came across one of my favorite radio jocks in the country....chico garcia......and i'm logging out....Peace!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Cool Widget

On Friendster and Multiply
So..Birthdate's got to do with Lovelife?
Your Birthdate: June 12 |
![]() You are certain and confident when you choose to love someone. Even though your romantic choices may be unconventional - you stand behind them. Your friends never know you as well as a romantic partner does. Number of True Loves You'll Have: 4 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1 You are most compatible with people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the month. |
Monday, May 26, 2008
Roberta's Encouragement
Things I Learned in Kindergarten That are Still Useful Today
- Share everything
- Play fair
- Don't hit people
- Put things back where you got them
- Don't create a mess
- Don't use crayons on the wall
- Don't take things that aren't yours
- Say sorry when you hurt somebody
- Flush
- Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you
- Live a balanced life-learn,play,enjoy,sing,dance
- Beware of strangers....and most of all
- When you go out of the real world, make sure someone is holding your hand
Smooth roads never make good drivers, smooth seas never make good sailors, clear skies never make good pilots. A problem free life never makes a strong and good person. Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life. Don't ask Life "Why Me?" instead say, "Try Me." Have a tough but winning life!--------Now wouldn't it make you all rev up for life's challenges???
The Lord is still preparing the best gift for you. Someday in your life at the right time, at the right place, EVERYTHING will be set accordingly. Just trust HIM, he'll make it happen.
Losing My "Dizzy Devil" Stuff Toy

Mom's Revel Bars

2/3 cup margarine, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1 pc egg
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup oatmeal
1 tbsp cashew nuts or walnut, chopped
100 g semi-sweet chocolate, grated 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
1 can (234 g) Fresh Cut Crushed Pineapple, drained
CREAM margarine and brown sugar. Add egg, beating well after addition. Add vanilla. Set aside.
COMBINE flour and baking soda. Add to the margarine mixture. Mix well. Fold in oatmeal and nuts. Press 3/4 of this mixture at the bottom of the prepared pan. Spread DEL MONTE Fresh Cut Crushed Pineapple over crust (oatmeal mixture). Set aside.
MELT chocolate in a double boiler. Blend in condensed milk. Pour over crust. Cover and freeze for 15 minutes. Divide remaining oatmeal mixture into 6 portions. Press lightly onto pan to partly cover the chocolate topping. Bake for 35 minutes. Cool and chill for 3 hours. Cut into bars.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Music of my Life
My influence in music hails from the fact that I came from a family of music lovers and from a grandfather who played the violin. Though I never got to learn it, I still can say that my earliest memory of my grandfather was spending New Year's in their home and listening to him play, and enjoying the fireworks afterwards. As I got older, I got introduced to the songs from the movie The Sound of Music. In fact I grew up with it. It's probably the one movie that I have seen the most number of times. I just never get tired watching it. And the songs, I know them by heart. Then I got hooked on listening to Tomorrow, from Annie, and if we can rewind the dates a little, I feel like I've heard the song Chiquitita for the longest time. It was just so familiar to me. And I knew the reason why - our neighbors were Abba fans and as my Ma had told me, when I was just a baby, these neighbors would keep playing Abba-thus the familiarity. When I started going to school, I couldn't study my lessons or do my homework without me listening to music. I never liked a very quiet bedroom, when studying. My music varies from rock,pop,jazz,Broadway,the classic and at a young age I was also listening to my father's records of Patti Page, Beatles and Bee Gees. Matt Monroe was in the list as well.
Through the years, I have learned to associate the different stages I went through in my life through songs. That's why it's hard for me to name just one favorite song. As I got more mature, I have found myself a perfect song - Baz Lhurmann's Everyone's Free to Wear Sunscreen.Though I've heard this so many times already, it still makes me cry every time. This song showed what a genius Lhurmann was, and as the say "the best advice one could ever get".
What's Cooking???
Name a color you find soothing.
>purple,white, celadon,light pink
Using 20 or less words, describe your first driving experience.
> It was fun! Or so I thought. It was the first and last day my Pap taught me to drive. He must have felt I have the making of a reckless driver. :)
What material is your favorite item of clothing made out of?
Main Course
Who is a great singer or musician who, if they were to come to your town for a concert, you would spend the night outside waiting for tickets to see?
> U2, Daughtry, Mariah Carey,David Cook
What is the most frequent letter of the alphabet in your whole name (first, middle, maiden, last, etc.)?
>Lots of letter "E"
Five Loaves and Two Fishes
A little boy of thirteen
was on his way to school
He heard a crowd of people laughing
and he went to take a look
Thousands were listening
to the stories of one man
He spoke with such wisdom,
even the kids could understand
The hours passed so quickly
the day turned to night
Everyone was hungry
but there was no food in sight
The boy looked in his lunchbox
at the little that he had
He wasn't sure what good it'd do
there were thousands to be fed
But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus
the kindness in His smile
and the boy cried out
with the trust of a child
he said:"
Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will surrender
Take my fears and inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
to feed them all"
I often think about that boy
when I'm feeling small
and I worry that the work I do
means nothing at all
But every single tear I cry
is a diamond in His hands
and every door that slams in my face
I will offer up in prayer
So I'll give you every breath that I have
Oh Lord, you can work miracles
All that you need is my "Amen"
Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you willI surrender
Take my fears and inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
I hope it's not too small
I trust in youI trust in you
Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will surrender
Take my fears and inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
no gift is too small
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Caring for Your Shoes and Bags
- Use a dry brush to sweep away residue, when removing dry stains on fabric shoes and bags.Gently dab a damp of fabric of the same color as the bag or shoe on the stain; sprinkle baking soda. Once dry, brush again. Repeat if necessary but don't use too much baking soda.
- Never dry clean bags and shoes with plastic beads on them. It melts plastic.
- Those that are made of suede, velvet, terry cloth, tweed can be cleaned with a dry old toothbrush. Do not remove stains while wet nor trim the fabrics for this will ruin the items more.
- For oily stains, immediately dab baking soda. Let it sit until the baking soda is absorbed. Pat the area dry with the fabric of the same color as the bag or shoe. Don't rub. If the stain is not removed, dab soda water and baking soda on it. Press a dry fabric cloth of the same color on the area until wetness is absorbed.
- Do not soak a pair of shoes or a bag to remove stain. There are bags that has adhesives that will dissolve with water. It will make your bags and shoes yellowish and rusty-looking.
- Store your shoes and bags that are made of delicate material in smooth fabric bags. beaded bags should be kept in cloth bags as well to prevent snagging.
- Shoes and bags should not be kept in tightly knotted and with metal seal plastics. This allows oxidation and metal may stain the fabric.
- Make use of shoe trees to keep the shape of your shoes, even those with straps.If you don't have a shoe tree you can use crumpled wrapping paper or brown paper. Do not use newspapers or colored papers as it might bleed into your shoe soles.
- Hang your bags on wooden pegs. It makes it easier for you to choose which one to use when you're about to dress. Or....
- Keep your shoes in a walk in closet, on a built in shoe rack. You can do away with the walk in closet, just maintain the shoe rack. =)
Touched by Mattie Stepanek
I have a song, deep in my heart,
And only I can hear it.
If I close my eyes and sit very still
It is so easy to listen to my song.
When my eyes are open and
I am so busy and moving and busy,
If I take time and listen very hard,
I can still hear my Heartsong.
It makes me feel happy.
Happier than ever.
Happier than everywhere
And everything and everyone
In the whole wide world
Happy like thinking about Going to Heaven when I die.
My Heartsong sounds like this:
I love you! I love you!
How happy you can be!
How happy you can make
The whole world be!
And sometimes it's other
Tunes and words, too,
But it always sings the
Same special feeling to me.
It makes me think of
Jamie, and Katie and Stevie,
And other wonderful things.
This is my special song.
But do you know what?
All people have a special song
Inside their hearts!
Everyone in the show wide world
Has a special Heartsong.
If you believe in magical, musical hearts,
And if you believe you can be happy,
Then you, too, will hear your song.
On Being a Champion
A champion is a winner,
A hero…
Someone who never give up
Even when the going gets rough.
A champion is a member of
A winning team…
Someone who overcomes challenges
Even when it requires creative solutions
A champion is an optimist,
A hopeful spirit…
Someone who plays the game,
Even when the game is called life…
Especially when the game is called life.
There can be a champion in each of us,
If we live as a winner,
If we live as a member of the team,
If we live with a hopeful spirit,
For life .
Making Real Sense of the Senses
Our eyes are for looking at things,
But they are also for crying
When we are very happy or very sad.
Our ears are for listening,
But so are our hearts.
Our noses are for smelling food,
But also the wind and the grass and
If we try very hard, butterflies.
Our hands are for feeling,
But also for hugging and touching so gently.
Our mouths and tongues are for tasting,
But also for saying words, like
"I love you," and
"Thank You, God. For all of these things.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Loving Becky's Kitchen
Valle Verde I,
Tel: 671-7606
Singalong, Manila
Tel: 525-1648, 523-4245
On A Day Like This
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuna Pasta
Tuna Pasta
2 cans all purpose cream
1 small can evaporated milk
2 cans tuna in brine or spicy (you can combine both)
1 can button mushroom (sliced)
Parmesan cheese (shredded)
½ cup butter
½ cup chopped onions
½ cup chopped garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
Parsley for garnishing (chopped)
In a pan, sauté onions and garlic until light brown stir in mushroom and tuna.
Pour in all purpose cream, cheese and season with salt and pepper.
Pour the sauce on your pasta garnish it with parmesan cheese and chopped parsley.
Cook Is the New Idol

It is also worth noting that the finals night was able to showcase the kind of talents Idol had for this season. Brook White performing with Graham Nash, Syesha Mercado belting it out with Seal, Jason Castro doing one of his most applauded renditions - Hallelujah, Carly Smithson and Michael Johns singing "She Wrote Me a Letter", the six male finalists singing "Summer or 69" and the six female finalists sang Donna Summer hits.
Season 7 ended with David Cook singing this year's Idol song "Time of My LIfe"....Now that's what I call sexy!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Walking Her Home
On Getting Invited to Wakeboard
When the cables are shut down and after everyone ate together, we took a nap at the very cozy cabana...

The next day we were on the road again back to Manila, all of us sunburned, but had a lot of stories and funny anecdotes to tell.