This is quite a delayed post, as the book launched happened last
February. Got tons of things to do these past months, that's why I'm
only able to write about this now. Better late than Never - they say..haha.. I have always been an avid listener of these radio jocks - Chico and Delamar.
They have moved to another radio station and found their "home" in RX
93.1, their voice and funny banter keep me company in my daily
mornings. Their show is called "The Morning Rush", where in the four
hours that they're on board, they have a portion called The Top
Ten..It's the part where listeners send in their answers to complete the
statement "The Top Ten ______. The venue was filled with all the
"Rushers" silent and active ones, and there was a long line of people,
all of them waiting to sign their books. Here are my captured moments of
the event:

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