I missed out posting about the reunion of my high school batch last December 30, and so here I am scribbling whatever I remembered from the event..The affair was originally set at 8:00 am I arrived there about 9am, surprised to see that they haven't started yet. some batch mates were just starting to set up the tables and chairs.Had some chit-chat with Fr. Marlon, Sansue and Rommel. Our teachers started arriving and we were almost outnumbered by our teachers. We thought there was a faculty meeting...hahaha..But then shortly before lunch more batch mates started to arrive and we had a blast. I tweeted about it and said "the batch reunion was a blast and hilarious"..and hilarious it was...Oh i won't say much, just take a look at these photos...I'd say we haven't changed a lot even if it had been 15 years....

[some 0f our former teachers]
[the Boys of the Batch]
[more pics of the boys with our batch mate and officiating priest FR. Marlon]
[getting cozy with Atty. Dona and Cathy]
[the EARLY BIRDS..batch mates Jen and Jack came home from UAE just for the reunion]
[posing with two of our former high school teachers]
[and of course the BOYS just about to start the drinking session]

Has it really been that long????? And now we're starting to plan for our 20th year REUNION in 2014. Wow! Time flies really fast....
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