At a recent activity we had in school, we were asked to write on a piece of paper what our impressions on our classmates well as on our teacher....I was happy to get some nice impressions from them, mostly were saying I have a strong personality but nice, funny..etc.. But what struck me the most was the impression I got from my classmate whom I happen to like and that of my teacher..
My instructor's impression of me, which made me realize that she does appreciate my fun loving personality and the SMART comment she made was a surprise..I thought I was just an ordinary student.......
This was the impression I held close to my heart and probably the on that struck me the most....After all this was from a classmate, whom I have grown to like, and who has been really nice to me...He said I was loving and I wonder how so?
Maybe he has been observing me all the while, we been together on OJT and are constantly laughing at each other's jokes, perhaps the reason why he had these remarks on me...
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